Is 30 Too Late to Get into Accounting

Is 30 Too Late to Get into Accounting?

Choosing a career path can be a challenging decision at any age. Some individuals may find themselves contemplating a career change or discovering a passion for a specific field later in life. One profession that often raises questions about age-related limitations is accounting. Many people wonder if it’s too late to become an accountant at the age of 30. 

In this article, we will explore the possibilities and address common concerns regarding a career change to accounting at 30.

So, if you are considering a career change and left wondering ‘is 30 too late to get into accounting?’ here’s the simple answer: 

The simple answer is yes, you can absolutely become an accountant at the age of 30, and it is not too late. Age should not be a deterrent when pursuing a career in accounting. In fact, the accounting field welcomes individuals from various backgrounds and ages. The demand for skilled accountants is consistently high, making it a viable career choice for anyone with the necessary qualifications and determination.

So, the short answer is no 30 is not too late to get into accounting. In fact, starting later might be a major benefit as you may have already been exposed to operational, sales and management roles which give you fantastic building blocks for a career in accountancy. 

Accountants require a certain skillset to be successful but something that is often lacking when someone starts in accountancy early is the experience, common sense, and business acumen that you acquire working within a business. 

We have covered various scenarios below to help you understand what to consider when changing careers and getting into accountancy. Good luck!

Can you career change to accounting at 30?

Absolutely! Changing career and training as an accountant at 30, or later in life is entirely possible. Many educational institutions and professional organisations offer flexible programs designed to accommodate individuals at different stages of their lives. 

Whether you choose to pursue a degree in accounting, enrol in professional certification programs, or even opt for online courses, there are numerous options available to help you acquire the knowledge and skills required for a successful accounting career.

Whether you need to continue working to fund your studies or are taking time out from a career to study full time there are many avenues available to you.

What age do you become an accountant?

There is no specific age requirement to become an accountant. If you possess the necessary qualifications, such as a relevant degree, professional certifications, and practical experience, you can embark on your accounting career at any age. The key is to acquire the required knowledge and skills through education and training, which will enable you to excel in the field.

Age is not a barrier to becoming an accountant. If you possess the necessary methodical and logical mindset, you can be a great success in your chosen career. There are many different types of accountancy qualifications, and a huge range of job roles so there is something to suit everyone.

What time of year is best to get an accountant?

While there isn’t a specific time of year that is best to get an accountant, it is important to consider your financial needs and goals when seeking professional accounting services. If you are an individual or business that requires assistance with tax preparation, it is advisable to engage an accountant well before the tax-filing deadline. This allows ample time for the accountant to thoroughly review your financial records and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

It is also worth considering the intake dates for when your chosen training provider will be starting courses. This is less important if you are going to be distance learning and your course content is online but if you will be classroom based in a college or University it is important to tie in when to get started with these starting dates.

For the majority of Colleges, they will offer evening and day release courses and intake for new courses will normally be around April and September each year dependent on the course being taken.

For this reason, you may find that potential employers in the accountancy arena will have a big recruitment push in the months leading up to these dates so it is important to consider your current working arrangements, notice period and personal finances.

FAQs on becoming an accountant at 30 or older than 30

Becoming an accountant at 50

Age should not discourage anyone from pursuing a career in accounting, even at the age of 50. In fact, individuals with a wealth of life and professional experience can bring unique perspectives and valuable skills to the accounting profession. With the right education, training, and dedication, starting a career as an accountant at 50 is entirely achievable.

Career change to accounting at 30 plus

A career change to accounting at the age of 30 is not uncommon. Many individuals find themselves dissatisfied with their current careers and seek new opportunities in a field that aligns with their interests and goals. 

Accounting offers a stable and fulfilling career path with various opportunities for growth and advancement. By leveraging transferable skills and acquiring the necessary accounting qualifications, a successful transition to an accounting career at 30 is well within reach.

Becoming an accountant later in life

Becoming an accountant later in life is a testament to the adage that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. Whether you are in your 40s, 50s, or beyond, the accounting profession welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. It is essential to focus on gaining the required qualifications, such as a degree in accounting or relevant professional certifications, to lay a solid foundation for your accounting career.

There are huge shortages in the accountancy and finance sector in the UK. There have never been greater opportunities to switch careers later in life. With changes to working remotely due to the pandemic you are not geographically restricted to jobs in your local area anymore. Go for it!

Becoming a chartered accountant at 40

Becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) at the age of 40 is a realistic goal. The path to becoming a CA typically involves completing a recognised accounting program, gaining practical experience, and passing the required examinations. While it may require dedication and hard work, achieving the esteemed CA designation can open doors to lucrative opportunities and career advancement.

Typically, if you work hard and sit exams at regular intervals you could gain Chartered status in 4 years, but this varies depending on the individual. It is not all about passing exams you also need to have gained ample practical work experience. You can gain this alongside your exams so if you can tie the to together 4 years is an achievable goal.

Becoming an accountant at 45

At the age of 45, embarking on a career as an accountant is a possibility worth considering. Many professionals have successfully transitioned into accounting later in life, leveraging their existing skills and experience to excel in the field. By pursuing a relevant degree or certifications and gaining practical experience, you can establish yourself as a competent and valuable accountant.

With the State Pension age increasing to 67 from 2028 a career change still offers a wonderful career opportunity and it is something that you can continuer to enjoy long after retirement age if you wish to top up your pension.

ACCA – Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a globally recognised professional accounting body. ACCA offers a comprehensive qualification program that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the accounting profession. The flexibility of ACCA’s program makes it suitable for individuals of varying ages and backgrounds, including those starting their accounting journey at the age of 30 or later.

How to become an accountant

To become an accountant, several steps are typically involved:

  1. Obtain a relevant degree: A bachelor’s or master’s degree in accounting or a related field provides a solid foundation of knowledge.
  2. Gain practical experience: Acquiring practical experience through internships, entry-level positions, or apprenticeships is crucial to develop accounting skills and learn industry practices.
  3. Pursue professional certifications: Professional certifications, such as Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) or Chartered Accountant (ACA), can enhance your credibility and expand your career opportunities.
  4. Continuously develop skills: Staying updated with accounting regulations, industry trends, and advancements in technology is vital for long-term success in the accounting profession.


In conclusion, age should not be a barrier to pursuing a career in accounting. Whether you are 30, 40, or even 50, the accounting field welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. By acquiring the necessary qualifications, such as a relevant degree or professional certifications, and gaining practical experience, you can embark on a fulfilling career in accounting. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your passion and make a positive change in your professional life.

There are many opportunities in the accounting and finance industry for the right people. You can enjoy varied and interesting work and the salary and benefits once qualified are often more than comparable to other industries.

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